
A Different Approach to The Standard Bouquet

Typically with the holiday season being spent with family there comes a spike in recently engaged people. If you fall into that category, Congrats! If you're like me then you simply enjoy the beauty and elegance that a wedding embodies. The elegant dresses, the beautiful floral arrangements, as well as the transformation of the venue with all of the design preparation is nothing short of amazing.

Here are a few fresh ideas and new approaches for the bridal bouquet which I thought were beautiful and they can even be kept as memorabilia if you use all brooch. Even if you're not a blushing new bride these floral arrangements are breath-taken and can be used as centerpieces for a dinner party if you have the time to create one. You'll be happy you did because you'll be able to re-use this piece time and time again with tons of compliments.


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