It's officially the weekend. Are you planning on kicking back and catching a movie? If so then I strongly suggest Sicario. To be honest I hadn't even heard of Sicario until my husband kept mentioning that he wanted to catch it as soon as it came out and I'm glad that I listened because it was indeed a good movie. Although I wish it had been more action packed it was still a very good movie that made you think about it after it was over. Well at least that's how I judge if I've seen a great movie.

Another great noticeable implication of the movie is that the US government underhandedly involves itself in other countries affairs and even goes as far as to use unethical means to achieve their own goals. So the untrustworthy puppet master pulling the strings then gets upset when their creation gets uncontrollable then re-writes the rules. It surely is a dirty game but provides a great story line.
I prefer movies that make you think and this definitely leaves you wondering. One thing for sure is that it exposes the dog eat dog mentality because even when you think you're on the right team trying to do good with like minded people, you'll be surprised to what these people are willing to do to get what they want.