
Warren Buffet's Good Advise

I know I'm never beyond taking good advise from someone who has seen more than myself. Honestly even if a person isn't older than me, there is always things you can pick-up from others to enrich your current situation. I learn things from my daughters everyday and they are 17 and 6. When a man who has made his fortune in money gives free advise on how to manage money then I'm wide open to any suggestions. Warren Buffet offered some sound financial advise which is a bit of common sense but don't we all need to be reminded or what's sensible every now and then?

The most relevant to those of us with no real money to hide is was to always invest in yourself! Invest in your health and well being, invest in learning, invest in programs that will get you where you want to be whether that be a class to sharpen your skills for advancement in your career or a class that brings your weight down. Any investment in yourself is always a good one. Simply purchasing a book and reading can be an investment in self for those who want to start small.

The second more important investment advice for the average Joe is to get high value at low prices. You know we're always on the look out for a bargain. I do it all the time with clothes but why not think bigger? If you're in the market for a home, look for a bargain home that is well below the market value and invest the money into it to make it your own with updates and modern touches instead of purchasing at market value and having a wish list of "to-do's". We all know that most of the wish list falls to the back burner and we never get it done. Buy cheap and make the investment initially upfront so you won't have to worry and you'll most likely still come out ahead of the game.

I did a little investing in myself this weekend. I have been wanted to get eyelash extensions for some time now to see how they would look on me and I finally did it. I purchased a Groupon and went for it. Now it's not really an investment but it made me feel good to get away and try something new at a bargain. I'm not sure that I would do it again but I was curious so I went for it. It makes me look like I have on mascara and my eyelashes are a bit more noticeable. The lady asked me what type of lashes did I want and I said definitely not "party girl" lashes so their subtle. LOL... Take a look at the picture she took showing the eyelash that she completed versus my normal lash below.