
So I Made It To Harvard!!!

All I can say is DO that shit!!!! 

You never know where your road will take you but it takes some planning. Watch Rihanna's acceptance speech of the HarvardFoundation Humanitarian Award and you get the sense of where one girls dreams took her and where your dreams can take you as well. All that's required is a bit of planning because you can't ever steer a ship to a destination without a compass. Watch the clip of Rihanna accepting her award from Harvard below. Honestly I skimmed it and the best part starts at 1:16 into the clip (it's her actual acceptance speech) and it's soooo cute and inspirational. She stated that she achieved her goal of helping others at the age of 18.
If you need a little help drafting your plan of action I've outline a few easy steps below.

Your map to a personal action plan for growth!  
Meditate. Grow. Build. Plan.
Step 1.   Meditate
This is the simpliest action of them all. It only involves silencing your surroundings and centering yourself so that you can clear your inner dialog of any clutter so that you're focused. It's simple and will take a bit of practice but 10 minutes a day of pure silence and concentrated breathing to gain clarity.

Step 2.   Grow
Nurture yourself. Grow in wisdom and sense of self. There are many ways we can achieve this task. Life is the process of growing and learning therefore you're cultivating your true purpose by enhancing your knowledge. Take time out to read of learn a new skill that enhances your being. Take a yoga class or learn to grow your own food with a small garden. Any form of growth and personal enhancement is awesome and feeds your soul.

Step 3.   Build
This goal is a multiple tasked goal. First you need to build a team of people around you that propels you to strive for more. Cut dead weight out of your life if needed and build a new team around you. A team of friends and acquaintances who can contribute to the achievement of your goals. Whether those people serve minor roles or major roles on your path is strictly  up to you but a team is crucial to getting where you want to be.  
Secondly you'll need to give of yourself freely so that you can receive. For every action there is a reaction and what you send out into the universe is what you'll receive therefore you must do sincere acts of kindness done from pure love so that the universe can reward you in return. Think well and do well and you'll be well. I won't go too deep into the laws of attraction but you can read about it on your own. This is the simplest action that you can do to achieve your goal without really doing much other than being a kind person. The type of person you're looking for to join your core team. Get it???

Step 4.  PLAN
This is by far the hardest action. You have to plan and really focus on your plan so that you're staying on course. Write your plan down somewhere you'll be able to see it often. You'll need to see it so that you're consciously aware of your task. Write your plan with an actionable deliverable with due dates (basically a to-do list). This is your map and if you track yourself I promise you'll reach most of your goals. The main point is to write it down and set your course because again... if you don't have a plan in place you're basically letting life guide you aimlessly and before you know it, you'll end up no where because that's how you planned it.

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