I honestly have a love/hate relationship with Wendy and her views on things. I feel that she's negative and overly critical on somethings and tries to cover up her bitterness and self loathing with the "I don't care" comments but she's made a living off of slanging dirt so let's get into it. I am beyond sick of her talking about how ghetto Meghan Markle is "suppose" to be and how she's conning her way into the royal family. Why make assumptions about that woman's character based on where she's from? That's the most racially charged shit I've seen on television and it makes me look at Wendy with the side eye. What she's implying when she makes those baseless comments is that everyone who lives or comes from an urban area lacks class and composer and that is NOT true!!! Talking about how Meghan's "a black woman from Crenshaw"... please miss me with the bullshit! Yet all we hear about is her OTHER family who happens to be white that is constantly acting out wanting their 15 minutes of fame. Yet we hear absolutely NOTHING from her family from "Crenshaw".
Then there is the constant implication that she's somehow sleeping her way into the royal family but Mehgan had already established a viable acting career and by no means seems to be using Harry for anything. He didn't pick her from destitution! She was earning a decent living and building her own celebrity status prior to meeting Harry yet all Wendy seems to concentrate on is how she somehow trapped him with her "snapping Gyro". By the way as a woman she's suppose to have a "snapping Gyro" and feel hell of good about how she works it too! There is nothing wrong with being comfortable sexually and hopefully any man that chooses to marry a woman loves the way his woman lays it down in the bed. Use all those yoga moves on there thang and WHAT!
There are plenty of women who married up and were literally plotting on finding a successful man to help them move up in life but I honestly feel that Mehgan does not fit that mold. When Wendy belittles her success and suggests that she's somehow less than because of where she came from is a testament of how Wendy thinks about women and more importantly "black women" which is sad. Besides isn't Wendy currently employing her own husband who "allegedly" has a mistress who lives blocks away from her home in a house she basically brought?! via GIPHY
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