
Great Food and A Trainer??? Sign ME Up

food2 Who doesn't love a great meal? Many of my best memories revolve around good food and great company. I also enjoy a great snack and a good movie. It's the a part of the basic fundamentals of Netflix and chill which always consist of some great munchies. One of the best feelings is discovering a new favorite food or snack. Only issue is with the lack of options we're normally stuck with the same choices to choose from and that is boring and most often leads to grabbing the easiest alternative which can be unhealthy. As a working mom, I often struggle daily with the same question. "What's for dinner?" is something I ask myself and my family daily. It's especially daunting when I'm leaving work often times hungry myself knowing that I have to prepare or buy something for us all to eat. Too often I hit the nearest drive through and there are but so many times you can cook spaghetti before it becomes an unwelcome option. I also know that I'm not alone.  Too often working parents feel the same agony over dinner or reluctantly spend money on take-out to offset the stress for another day.  Trying to ensure you and your family eat well balanced healthy meals that also taste good is like searching for a great sale on designer jeans.

  Le Bon Vivant Kickstarter

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that someone finally decided to help us out. Le Bon Vivant promises to send us healthy recipes based on our taste preferences. Always wanted access to the best dairy free desserts or gluten free pasta dishes but had to settle? Well you wont have to wait much longer. Le Bon Vivant also offers services that will track your calorie intake, water intake, send you reminders when you need more water as well as offers access to personal trainers for 1-on-1 coaching to achieve your fitness goals. Track all your progress and if you need assistance meal prepping for the week you can have access to what to add to your grocery list with suggested recipes. This mom cannot wait!!! If you're like me then make sure you do your part to chip in to help them bring this baby to reality.
Le Bon Vivant App

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